Bilaterálna iniciatíva zameraná na zlepšenie vzťahov medzi nórskymi a slovenskými inštitúciami.
2020 ubehlo presne 350 rokov od narodenia katolíckeho kňaza,
jezuitu, fyzika, matematika a astronóma Maximiliána Hella. Kto
vlastne bol a čím sa preslávil Maximilián Hell ?
Maximilián Hell sa narodil v Štiavnických Baniach ako tretí syn Matej Kornela Hella a Juliany Viktórie Staindlovej. Absolvoval gymnázium v Banskej Bystrici a následne po skončení štúdia požiadal o prijatie do jezuitského rádu. Neskôr odišiel študovať do Viedne históriu, teológiu a filozofiu. Vysvätený za kňaza bol v roku 1750 a začal učiť na jezuitskom gymnáziu v Banskej Bystrici. Jeho vedecký prínos je spájaný predovšetkým s astronómiou. Jeho zásluhou boli vybudované hvezdárne v Kluži, Trnave, Budíne a Jágri. Veľký význam pre astronómiu mali aj jeho pozorovania - predovšetkým pozorovanie prechodu Venuše pred slnečným diskom na, vtedy, dánskom ostrove Vardø. Svetové vedecké uznanie si zaslúžil aj presným výpočtom slnečnej paralaxy.
Naša škola nesie meno po Maximiliánovi Hellovi, rodákovi zo Štiavnických Baní, a svoju poctu sa mu rozhodla prejaviť prostredníctvom projektu s názvom DNI MAXIMILIÁNA HELLA, ktorého súčasťou bolo veľa aktivít oslavujúcich život a dielo nášho významného rodáka.Aktivitami projektu bola medziárodná výtvarná súťaž Hellove hviezdy spolu s tlačenou formou všetkých zúčastnených výtvarných prác, film s názvom Po stopách Maximiliána Hella, komentované prehliadky nočnej oblohy, prezentácie o kultúrne a tradiciách Slovenska a Nórska a medzinárodná konferencia.
Väčšina aktiviít prebehla v spolupráci s našou partnerskou školou v najseverjenšej časti Nórska vo Vardø.
Azda najvýznamnejšou aktivitou celého projektu bolo usporiadanie medzinárodnej konferencie venovanej jeho životu a pamiatke. Konferencia bola finančne podporená z grantov EHP a nórskeho finančného mechanizmu, Banskobystrického samosprávneho kraja a Slovenskej astronomickej spoločnosti.
Spoluorganizátormi konferencie boli Krajská hvezdáreň a planetárium v Žiari nad Hronom a obec Štiavnické Bane.
The bilateral initiative aimed at improving relations between Norwegian and Slovak institutions.
On May 15, 2020, were 350 years since the birth of the Catholic priest, Jesuit, physicist, mathematician and astronomer Maximilian Hell. Who exactly was Maximilian Hell? What made him so famous?
Maximilian Hell was born in Štiavnické Bany as the third son of Matej Kornel Hell and Juliana Viktória Staindlová. He graduated from the grammar school in Banská Bystrica and subsequently, after graduating, applied for admission to the Jesuit order. He later went to Vienna to study history, theology and philosophy. He was ordained a priest in 1750 and began teaching at the Jesuit grammar school in Banská Bystrica. Its scientific contribution is associated primarily with astronomy. Thanks to him, observatories were built in Cluj, Trnava, Buda and Jágr. His observations were also of great importance to astronomy - especially the observation of the transit of Venus in front of the solar disk on the, then, Danish island of Vardø. It also deserves worldwide scientific recognition for its accurate calculation of solar parallax.
Our school bears the name after Maximilian Hell, a native of Štiavnické Bane. We want to thank him through the project called THE DAYS OF MAXIMILLIAN HELL for his great work. The project includes many activities celebrating the life and work of Maximilian Hell. Project outputs are:
- international artwork competition Hell's stars and printed form of all participating artworks,
- a film entitled In the Footsteps of Maximilian Hell,
- guided tours of the night sky,
- presentations on the culture and traditions of Slovakia and Norway,
- an international conference.
Most of the activities took place in cooperation with our partner school in the northernmost part of Norway in Vardø.
Perhaps the most significant activity of the whole project was an international conference dedicated to his life and memory. The conference was financially supported by the EEA grants and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, the Banská Bystrica Region and the Slovak Astronomical Society.
The co-organizers of the conference were the Regional Observatory and Planetarium in Žiar nad Hronom and the village of Štiavnické Bane.
Unfortunately, the pandemic situation meant that the entire conference, as well as other activities of THE DAYS OF MAXIMILIAN HELL, had to be carried out with a year's delay and online. Nevertheless, it can be assessed that the whole project, as well as the conference, was successful. The uniqueness of the conference was the participation of guests from almost all over the world. It was interspersed with presentations about the life and work of Maximilian Hill, which is a constant inspiration to us to this day. The uniqueness lay in the simultaneous interpretation of the conference into English, which allowed guests from abroad to fully enjoy the amount of new information.
Organizing a conference in the online space was an absolute novelty for our school, but thanks to an amazing team of people, we succeeded. We believe that, like us, you also liked our conference dedicated to Maximilian Hill, and that his timeless legacy will continue to resonate.